Organic Cotton Vs. Conventional Cotton

COTTON is the most universally comfortable, breathable and softest of all the fibers, natural or man made.
Cotton batting has been the mattress fill of choice for decades. With purity and comfort, certified organic and natural cottons take the next step forward.
Conventional (also known as traditional or commercial) grown cotton is ordinarily one of the crops most heavily sprayed with pesticides. To bring this delicate plant to harvest, it is heavily sprayed 30 to 40 times a season in extreme cases with pesticides so poisonous they gradually render fields barren. To create finished goods, fabrics are usually colored with toxic dyes and finished with formaldehyde. Worldwide, conventional cotton farming uses only about 2.5% of the farmland but consumes approximately 16-25 percent of the chemical pesticdes and fertilizers. In the United States alone, approximately 600 thousand tons of pesticides and chemical fertilizers
Certified organic cotton is cotton grown in fields where the use of pesticides have been discontinued for at least 3 years and where rigorous controls help rebuild the soil's natural fertility. Organic farming is a farming system which relies on natural inputs only. No synthetically produced pesticides or fertilizers are used. Mother Nature is allowed to have much more of an influence. Beneficial insects are allowed to flourish to keep pest insects in check. Crop rotations with legumes help maintain fertility and soil microbiology. Weeds are controlled with precision tillage and the old fashioned hoe. The successful organic farm requires much more intensive and innovative management.